Product advantage

Quality and safety are assured

bd体育茶叶集团股份有限公司(简称“bd体育集团”),其前身是成立于1950年的广东省茶叶公司,集茶叶种植、加工、科研开发和国内外贸易于一体,是农业产业化国家重点龙头企业,30年连续保持茶叶出口量全国领先,绿茶出口世界前列,拥有近十个涵盖行业不同领域的知名品牌,是具备全球茶叶资源供应链整合、运营能力的茶叶全产业链品牌运营商。 “茶为国饮,杭为茶都”,bd体育集团总部位于中国茶都——杭州,以茶为主、贸工结合、多元发展,产品覆盖茶叶、茶制品、茶叶机械、有机农产品等,销售网络遍及全球60多个国家和地区。集团组建了二十余家中外合资企业、独资企业、控股企业,在美国、日本、马里设有分公司,在乌兹别克斯坦、摩洛哥、阿尔及利亚和巴基斯坦等国设有代表处。 bd体育拥有七十年茶叶经营历史,将传统制造与现代工艺创新相结合,产品先后成为G20、2017世界互联网大会等高端会议用茶。bd体育十分关注提高茶叶生产力和改善茶产区人们的生活状况,坚持与当地政府一起改善茶叶生产设施...


Tibetan, is to understand the deepest co

Tibetan, is to understand the deepest co

A copy of the time, write a tie the old words, between the lines, the breeze with the breeze of the moon scene, with the quiet Huang Lei Ju situation, read in t...



Quit corruption

TV, and in the report on the two suites, three suites loans. The rich is good, you can buy two suites, three suites, and many small people, even the first set o...



Open-minded life of the best reward

Because want to eat boiled corn, a person slowly went to the supermarket. On the road through the park, to see a lot of people in the kite-flying, could not hel...



Often look down

People usually see the world's point of view, can be divided into looking up, head-up, overlooking the three. Heads-up, is the most normal and most comforta...